Delivering V2020 in the Caribbean: final report

The landmark Caribbean Strategic Framework for Vision 2020: The Right to Sight (CSF) was developed in 2002 and updated in 2009.

The objective of the CSF was to accelerate the implementation of the global V2020 initiative in the Caribbean by reducing blindness and visual impairment among adults and children and its impact on the general population, as well as strengthening eye care systems and services.

The purpose of this end-of-term evaluation was to review the achievement of the EU-funded project on Delivering V2020 in the Caribbean against the objectives and outputs as detailed in the project documents; and to assess the long-term effects made by the project on eye health in the Caribbean region. The evaluation was conducted in accordance with seven defined criteria – relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability, scalability, and coherence. Publication date: November 2016

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