Nayab’s most important test

An eye test at Nayab’s school changed her life. Will you help more children like Nayab access the urgent screening needed to protect their sight?

Sight loss isn’t always painful, and it isn’t always obvious. Imagine a world that slowly fades into a blur, where even simple tasks like reading become too challenging.

This is the reality for children like Nayab, who have undiagnosed sight conditions. Sight loss can affect their confidence, independence and chances of staying in school – which can have a profound and lasting impact on their future.

It’s estimated that five million children in Pakistan are living with refractive error, including problems such as short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism, and many others are struggling with hidden cataracts. But there are many barriers to overcoming sight loss, not least the difficulty families can face trying to access tests and treatment.

Sightsavers’ school health programme in Pakistan is training teachers to detect eye problems early, ensuring children like Nayab receive the critical treatment they need. And your donation can make a difference.

Nine-year-old Nayab covers her eye with her hand.
Before her eye test, Nayab's eyesight was deteriorating. She said: “I can’t see what is written on the board properly, so I sit in front.”
Nine-year-old Nayab stands with her left hand covering her eye, looking at an eye test chart.

The test that changed Nayab’s life

Nine-year-old Nayab stands with her left hand covering her eye, looking at an eye test chart.
Luckily, at nine years old, Nayab was given a test that would change the course of her life. Nayab's teacher, Miss Ismat, identified that she had a problem with her eyesight. Nayab was then referred to a specialist local optometrist and that was when they discovered her cataract.

How Sightsavers’ school eye health programme in Pakistan helps to save children’s sight

Mortar board icon.

1. Training

Our partners train teachers to screen their students for a range of eye conditions.

Eye icon.

2. Referral

Teachers refer students with sight issues to a specialist optometrist, supported by Sightsavers.

3. Treatment

We help to provide the best treatments to correct children’s vision, from glasses to operations.

Once she received her cataract diagnosis, Nayab was referred to her local hospital for surgery to prevent permanent sight loss. The clouded lens in her eye was removed and, within a few hours, her sight was restored.

Miss Ismat has noticed the transformation in Nayab, and said: “Now she has become very active and participates in every activity. Wherever she sits in class, she can easily see the board.”

Nayab’s story is one of triumph; a cataract operation restored her sight, confidence and her enjoyment of school. But there are millions more children living with sight loss. Please will you help the school eye health project to reach them?

Watch a school screening in action and see how our work is empowering teachers to protect children’s vision.

Help train teachers to protect their students’ sight

The blackboard looks clear now – sometimes I sit in the front row but even at the back I see clearly!
Nayab, aged nine
Nayab, a nine-year-old girl, smiling after her successful cataract operation.