Supporting colleagues with neurodiverse conditions

These simple, practical tips will help to make our workplace more inclusive, so all staff feel comfortable.

A lilac illustration showing icons for a calendar, eyes, a pen and books.

Print an inclusive poster for your office

Download the poster (PDF)
A lilac illustration showing a calendar.

Before a meeting, let your colleagues know in advance what you want to discuss.
Send calendar invites so they have a record of the meeting.

A lilac illustration showing a sound icon with a line through it.

Arrange meetings in a quiet, calm location.
Bright lighting, strong scents, or temperature changes can also be distracting.

A lilac illustration showing a person talking.

When starting a conversation, address your colleague by name.
This will let colleagues know who you’re talking to.

A lilac illustration showing a checklist..

Follow up important points in writing.
Providing short bullet points or lists of agreed tasks can often be helpful.

A lilac illustration showing a pen.

If someone doesn’t understand what you’re saying, don’t just repeat it.
Instead, try rephrasing it or writing it down.

A lilac illustration showing eyes.

Your colleague may not look at you while you’re talking.
Some people may find it easier to focus if they look elsewhere.

A lilac illustration showing boooks.

Don’t overload your colleague with too much information.
Keep things clear and focus on one point at a time.

A lilac illustration showing two people talking.

Always speak directly to your colleague about how you can support them.
Avoid making assumptions about a person’s capabilities.

More about supporting colleagues with disabilities

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