Evaluating our work

Evaluation is crucial to successfully deliver Sightsavers’ projects, programmes and strategies, helping us to identify, learn and adapt.

This improves our accountability to beneficiaries and donors, enables us to assess outcome and impact, and helps us build knowledge based on evidence and learning. Evaluation occurs at set times in our project cycle and usually focuses on providing a comprehensive overview of a project’s achievements. It can occur at the mid-term and end of the project. An evaluation must be objective, therefore our evaluations are often (but not always) conducted by an external consultant.

End-of-term evaluations are conducted where we believe we could learn from them, or if a donor requires it. We use seven evaluation criteria: Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact, Sustainability, Scalability, and Coordination.

Mid-term reviews are carried out on a project-by-project basis if needed. Robust monitoring processes indicate when a more detailed review is necessary.

Synthesis evaluations and reviews are also conducted, which we call ‘iReflect’. These focus on a broad topic and analyse the evidence to inform future work.

Below are links to executive summaries for our evaluations, in categories.

Eye health

Sundarbans Eye Health Service Strengthening Project

The five-year programme aimed to make progress towards eliminating avoidable blindness in the Sundarbans region of West Bengal by 2020. We worked with partners and the state government to create 17 vision centres. Published November 2018. Learn more and read the evaluation


Paediatric eye care services in Bangladesh

The programme supported children in poor communities to access eye care services and helped to raise awareness about the importance of early screenings. It was implemented in six districts, where an estimated 1.1 million children live in poverty. Published April 2018. Learn more and read the evaluation


Sierra Leone Eye Care Programme

In 2012, Sightsavers was awarded two complementary five-year grants from the European Commission (EC) and Seeing is Believing, which aimed to help reduce avoidable blindness and vision impairment and strengthen the country’s health services. Published December 2017. Learn more and read the evaluations


Kolkata Urban Comprehensive Eye Care Programme: end-of-term evaluation

This project was developed to reduce avoidable blindness in Kolkata, especially among women and children in urban slums. The  evaluation aimed to understand the effectiveness of the project in reducing avoidable blindness. Published June 2015. Learn more and read the evaluations


Advancing Healthy Communities in East Africa: end-of-term evaluation 

The programme aimed to increase access to eye health services and to reduce the cataract surgical backlog in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The evaluation looked at how the programme has improved eye health and what has been learned. Published June 2015. View the executive summary (pdf)


Bangladesh Dhaka Urban Comprehensive Eye Care Project: end-of-term evaluation

The project aimed to increase awareness of eye care among poor urban communities in Dhaka, and improve access to eye services. This evaluation looks at what we achieved. Published March 2015. View the executive summary (pdf)


Strengthen national capacities on paediatric ophthalmology in Bangladesh: end-of-term evaluation

The project aimed to train paediatric ophthalmic teams and establish a paediatric outpatient department. The evaluation assessed the achievements against targets to date. Published February 2015. View the executive summary (pdf)


Pakistan Urban Paediatric Eye Care Programme: mid-term review / end-of-term evaluation

Sightsavers ran a five-year project on child eye health in slum areas of five cities. The aim was to identify children with low vision and provide treatment.
View the mid-term review (pdf) / View the end-of-term evaluation (pdf)


Promoting quality ophthalmology in East Africa project: end-of-term evaluation

This five-year intervention was funded by the European Union. The evaluation aimed to establish to what extent the project has reduced poverty by improving access to eye health and the quality of eye care in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Published July 2014. View the executive summary (pdf)


Post Health for Peace Initiative in West Africa: end-of-term evaluation 

This project, in Senegal, Guinea Bissau and the Gambia, aimed to establish good-quality, accessible and affordable eye care services reaching at least 60 per cent of the population. The evaluation assesses its progress and impact across the sub-region. Published April 2014. View the executive summary (pdf)


Vision Bangladesh project: end-of-term evaluation

The goal of the project was to eliminate avoidable blindness from Bangladesh by 2020. The evaluation aimed to review achievements and challenges of the project, highlight lessons and suggest a way forward, and develop recommendations for the project. Published June 2014. View the executive summary (pdf)


Support to the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation: Eye Care Programme Kenya 2009 to 2013: end-of-term evaluation

The Kenya Eye Care Programme aimed to introduce eye health services throughout Kenya. The evaluation focused on the 2009-2013 element in 12 districts. Published November 2013. View the executive summary (pdf)

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Sightsavers reports

Neglected tropical diseases

Reducing prevalence of onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis in DRC, Guinea Bissau, Nigeria and Uganda

The programme worked in 17 states across the four countries to help eliminate onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis by scaling up treatment for the diseases. Published July 2019. View the end-of-term evaluation (pdf)


UNITED Northern Nigeria Integrated NTDs Control Programme

The UNITED programme supported the governments’ efforts to reduce the prevalence and interrupt the transmission of seven NTDs in Nigeria. It ran in five states over five years (2014-2019). The evaluation reports on the achievements of the programme, Published June 2019. View the end-of-term evaluation (pdf)


CATCH: Improving eye health and reducing avoidable blindness in trachoma-endemic areas of Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda and Zambia

CATCH aimed to improve treatment for eye diseases for people living in trachoma-endemic areas. This evaluation reviews our achievements. Published May 2019. View the end-of-term evaluation (pdf)


Global Trachoma Mapping Project (GTMP): end-of-project evaluation 

The aim of the three-year GTMP was to map the prevalence of trachoma using smartphones, across all endemic areas worldwide. This evaluation looks at how effective the project has been at mapping the disease and identifies key lessons learned. Published March 2016. View the executive summary (pdf)


Elimination of blinding trachoma in Guinea-Bissau: end of three-year phase evaluation (2013-2015) – final evaluation report 

The trachoma project was a three-year phase of a long-term SAFE intervention in Guinea-Bissau. The evaluation aims to assess overall achievement of outputs against targets. Published March 2016. View the executive summary (pdf)


Northern Nigeria Integrated NTDs Control (UNITED) Programme: mid-term evaluation

The programme’s goal is to reduce the prevalence and stop the transmission of seven NTDs. The evaluation assesses whether objectives are being met. Published February 2016. View executive summary (pdf)


Kenya Marsabit Trachoma Control Programme: end-of-term evaluation 

Since April 2011, Sightsavers has been implementing a trachoma control project with Comic Relief funding in Marsabit, Kenya, focusing on the scale-up of the WHO’s SAFE strategy. The evaluation assesses the project’s achievements. Published February 2015. View the executive summary (pdf)


Trachoma elimination in Africa: Lessons from two multi-country initiatives

The project aimed to scale up the SAFE approach and strengthen health systems towards eliminating trachoma in 10 countries. The learning exercise generates evidence to contribute to future programmes. Learn more and read the report

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Sightsavers reports

Social inclusion

Economic empowerment and livelihood improvement projects for youth with disabilities in Uganda

These two projects aimed to provide vocational, business, soft skills and financial literacy training to young people with disabilities, enabling them to find paid jobs. Published February 2021. View the evaluation (pdf)


Connecting the Dots: Investing in youth with disabilities in Uganda, end-term project evaluation 

The EU-funded Connecting the Dots project sought to give 324 young people with disabilities access to vocational skills. The evaluation assesses its achievements. Published November 2016. View the executive summary (pdf)


iReflect Economic Empowerment and Financial Inclusion

This report presents the findings of a synthesis report to collect knowledge from Sightsavers’ economic empowerment projects. This is to support the implementation of Sightsavers’ Empowerment and Inclusion Strategic Framework. Published March 2016. View the executive summary (pdf)


‘Inclusive’: Barrier-Free Inclusive Society for Persons with Disabilities: end-of-term evaluation 

The objective of the project was to ensure people with disabilities can participate equally in society. The  evaluation assesses the project’s achievements and challenges. Published March 2016. View the executive summary (pdf)


iReflect on Social Inclusion

This report presents the findings of a synthesis review commissioned by Sightsavers, as part of a process to develop a global strategy on social inclusion. The review aims to collate experience, knowledge and analysis from internal evidence. Published September 2014. View the executive summary (pdf)

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Sightsavers reports


Inclusive education project in Pamoja, Kenya

A five-year project to improve school access, retention and transition rates of children with disabilities and special educational needs. We conducted a community-based participatory research (CBPR) with learners’ parents and teachers. Published January 2021. View the evaluation (pdf)


Zambia Inclusive Education Programme: end-of-term evaluation 

This evaluation assesses the achievements of a three-year programme to strengthen national capacities for inclusive education in Zambia, which began in 2011. It targeted 615 children who are blind, who have low vision or refractive errors. Published January 2015. View the executive summary (pdf)

Read more of our reports and evaluations

Sightsavers reports


Cataract surgical uptake synthesis review

This executive summary analyses and assesses external evidence alongside internal evidence from Sightsavers’ evaluations and inclusive data activities, which relates to the access and uptake of cataract surgery by women and girls. Published March 2022. View the executive summary (pdf)

Gender Synthesis Review, 2020

The burden of blindness is higher amongst women, and women and girls with disabilities face double discrimination. How well are we responding to this challenge? This report covers findings and recommendations from 17 project evaluations. Published May 2020. View the executive summary (pdf)

Strengthening Sightsavers’ reach and impact in West Africa: end-of-term evaluation

This evaluation assesses the achievements from the first four years of the West Africa 2012-2015 programme, supported by Irish Aid. Published November 2015. View the executive summary (pdf)


Independent evaluation of Sightsavers’ Innovation fund round 2 

The Innovation Fund round 2 supported nine operational and five research projects over 18 months ending March 2014. This report evaluates how projects addressed challenges in eye health, inclusive education and social inclusion. Published October 2014. View the executive summary (pdf)


Evaluation of Sightsavers’ Innovation Fund round 1 

The Innovation Fund is part of the Sightsavers programme partnership arrangement with the UK’s DFID. It was established to encourage innovative projects, to learn lessons that could change how Sightsavers does its development work. Published May 2013. View the executive summary (pdf)

Read more of our reports and evaluations

Sightsavers reports