Speak Up: how to report improper conduct

Our reporting platform enables beneficiaries, employees, volunteers, partners and more to raise any concerns they may have about the conduct of Sightsavers and its staff.

A person's hands are shown, entering data into a mobile phone.

Sightsavers believes that anyone involved in Sightsavers’ work has the right to raise a concern about improper conduct, have that concern addressed and receive a response.

Our Speak Up reporting platform is a single global way of submitting reports of fraud, misappropriation, sexual harassment, exploitation, abuse, support of terrorism and other improper conduct.

Any Sightsavers beneficiary, employee, volunteer, partner, vendor, programme participant or other outside party can use the Speak Up service to report any inappropriate conduct.

The platform offers support in more than 100 languages, online or phone options, and the option to submit reports anonymously.

Watch our animation below to learn more about Speak Up. To view the video in other languages, visit our safeguarding channel on YouTube.

How to make a report

Visit our dedicated Speak Up reporting website, where you can submit a report using a secure online reporting form or by calling the 24-hour hotline.

View an accessible version of the reporting form (PDF)

Visit the Speak Up site

What does the Speak Up platform cover?


Safeguarding means promoting and protecting people’s health, wellbeing and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm, exploitation and abuse. We know people are sometimes reluctant to report sexual abuse or harassment. Sightsavers is committed to creating an environment where people feel safe to come forward with such claims. We take reports extremely seriously and protect witnesses as well as survivors. Reprisals against people for reporting are a breach of our code of conduct. Read more about Sightsavers’ approach to safeguarding

If you are concerned that someone may have been harmed, exploited or abused, you can share your concern with us via the Speak Up platform. You can also report your concern by emailing [email protected].

Fraud, bribery and corruption

Sightsavers maintains a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of fraud, bribery and corruption. If staff, partners or members of the public suspect Sightsavers staff of engaging in these activities, they are encouraged to raise their concerns via our Speak Up platform. Any concerns about money laundering or terrorist financing should also be reported using the platform.

For more about Sightsavers’ anti-corruption processes, view a list of our policies on our Accountability and transparency page.

Other types of complaint

If your issue relates to a fundraising or social media concern, contact us via phone, email or post to give details of your complaint. Click to see how to contact us

If you are a Sightsavers employee based in any country and wish to raise a grievance against another member of Sightsavers staff, follow the internal process detailed in Sightsavers’ grievance policy.

Sightsavers Speak Up logo.

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How Sightsavers is run