Sightsavers Bangladesh marks 50-year anniversary

August 2023

Sightsavers Bangladesh is commemorating 50 years of work to protect sight and fight for disability rights.

Since 1973, Sightsavers and partners have performed more than two million cataract operations in Bangladesh, carried out 24 million eye examinations and supported 10,000 people with disabilities to claim their rights through inclusive education and vocational training.

The milestone also celebrates Sightsavers’ work to strengthen the country’s health care system by helping to train health professionals and community volunteers, as well as its partnerships with governments, local organisations and communities.

To mark the 50th anniversary, Sightsavers’ CEO Caroline Harper and staff from Bangladesh were joined by guests at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel in Dhaka, including the Planning Minister MA Mannan MP and Social Welfare State Minister Md. Ashraf Ali Khan Khasru MP.

Sightsavers’ CEO Dr Caroline Harper said: “I extend my heartfelt gratitude to dedicated partners and staff members, and all those who have contributed to Sightsavers’ work in Bangladesh over the last 50 years.

“I am so proud of what has been achieved over the past five decades – so many lives have been transformed by the work to improve eye health and boost disability rights. We will continue to collaborate to bring about even more transformative change and an inclusive society for all.”

Watch the video below to find out more about our work in Bangladesh.

Sightsavers' CEO Caroline Harper poses for a group photo with staff from Sightsavers Bangladesh during its 50th anniversary celebrations in Dhaka.
Sightsavers’ CEO Caroline Harper (centre left) joined staff from Sightsavers Bangladesh at the anniversary event in Dhaka.

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