Fighting disease

Rebecca stands alongside her five children in front of a building in Northern Kenya.

Rebecca's story

Rebecca from South Sudan, who has advanced trachoma, has been living in a refugee camp in northern Kenya, since 2013.

A man being counselled by a health worker.

Water, sanitation and hygiene strategies important for tackling COVID-19

Public information around water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) have a key role to play in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic by the Ascend West and Central Africa programme.

June 2020
Seven-year-old Muzi together with his father

Muzi’s story

Seven-year-old Muzi struggled to see due to blinding trachoma. Thanks to life-changing surgery through UK aid, he is one of many who have got their sight back.

A woman laughing.

Agatha's Story

Dr Agatha Aboe, from Ghana, has worked at Sightsavers for 10 years. She’s extremely dedicated to eliminating the blinding neglected tropical disease trachoma.

A man and a woman stand outside before beginning surveys for the Onchocerciaisis Elimination Mapping project.

Mapping river blindness in Mozambique

Meet Clécio and Silvia, who are helping to map river blindness in Mozambique.

A woman stands outside, holding out her hand to show medication and holding a cup in her other hand.

Turn your innovative idea into a life-changing project to help beat neglected tropical diseases

A new learning and innovation fund aims to accelerate the control and elimination efforts of five debilitating diseases. 

April 2020
A group trachoma screening for children in Zimbabwe.

New report shows how NTD programme could help fight COVID-19 in Africa

A new report suggests that Sightsavers’ leading neglected tropical disease (NTD) programmes could play an important role in mitigating the impact of COVID-19.

April 2020
Givemore Mafukidze, wearing a Sightsavers tshirt, stands with Dr Agatha Aboe.

Sightsavers is runner-up for two global development awards

A pioneer in disease elimination and a groundbreaking project to make workplaces more inclusive have been recognised by the prestigious Bond awards.

March 2020
A community worker from Sightsavers' NTDs campaign.

Interviews shine a spotlight on how a blinding disease is being eliminated

Sightsavers experts have highlighted progress being made on river blindness in two media interviews.

March 2020
A surgeon dressed in scrubs prepares for theatre

Meet Elizabeth, who’s helping to restore sight in Kenya

A decade ago, Turkana had the highest prevalence of trachoma of any county. Now thanks to eye health workers like Elizabeth, the number of cases have been severely reduced.

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